We hope you take all necessary clarifications before paying the required fee.
Fee once paid is not refundable or transferable under any circumstances.
Late Fee- Any deviation from the date of payment of fee (as informed from time to time) will attract suitable penalty including cancellation of
Registration - Non-payment of fee up to one week beyond the last date of fee payment – Fine of Rs.10,000
- Non-payment of fee beyond one week of the announced date will result in Cancellation of registration without any refund.
- Deferment
- In case of unavoidable reasons of you deciding to discontinue the course midway, you will get one opportunity to join the future batches subject to following conditions:
- You have not defaulted on payment of fee at any point of time
- Pay the registration fee
- Pay the difference of fee at the joining as per the fee prevailing at the time of new batch
- (Fee to be paid = Registration Fee+ (Fee of new batch – Fee paid in old batch)